Reno Joins a Weekly Session


Reno has spent some time becoming habituated to new surroundings and unfamiliar activities as well as new people. He has been observing class activities and today the day has come to not only take him into th ring (He's already done that) but also have a live rider in the saddle in addition to the lead and side-walker people.


 0213 First a little warm-up in the ring




 0225 Time to enter the arena with the rest of the gang




 0236 Follow the rest around and keep an eye on what's going on with the other horses




 0240 Apparently some horses get to stay in line, others get to "move on" ...








 0253 Sometimes the lot of us go stopping and starting in short bursts down the length of the arena






 0259 Turn round and do the same thing back to the start...


 0260  ... until we're all jammed up side-by-side against the fence at the end of the arena


 0262 Triumphantly exiting the arena - so where are the victory trumpets?


 0263 YES! We did it!


 0264 Ready for dismount


 0265 All clear


 0270 Now I need a rub-down with a cold damp towel to cool me off in this heat - and lots of love!   I've earned it!